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Combining modern therapeutic techniques with traditional healing therapies

A Different Type of Therapy

In our modernized world of mental health therapy, is it possible we are missing out on the benefits of healing therapies used by traditional societies around the world?


Combining Modern  and Traditional 

As a mental health therapist in the West, I often found myself wondering, “What did people do to ease their suffering before the advent of Western style therapy?”  Surely people in the past suffered from heartbreak, depression, addiction and anxiety. They too must have experience trauma, felt the pains of despair or loneliness, and struggled with managing their emotions.
Didn't they also have the tiny voice in their head saying negative things, telling them to worry about something, or causing unbalance in their lives?  
What did those people do for help?

Our Services


Modern psychotherapy techniques to address underlying mental health issues and encourage positive life changes.

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Our Story

"In times of change the learners will inherit the Earth, while the learned will find themselves beautifully equipped for a world that no longer exists."

Reading this quote I began to wonder if there was more to learn about the healing of the body and mind than had been taught to me in the walls of a university. 


Perhaps it was time to revisit my education? Except this time, rather than professors and classrooms, I'd learn mental health therapy techniques from traditional healers and therapists from around the world.


What followed was my "second education" of more than two years traveling the world studying different therapy techniques. I spent time living in a mindfulness centre in the far north of Thailand, learning about body movements and energy healing in the southern islands, and staying with a 3rd generation healer in her forest home as she shared old knowledge about healing the mind and soul.

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